Matthew 18 is the children’s chapter. In reference to children, it states, “the Son of Man is come to save the lost.” In Luke 19 (refer- ring to the adult Zacchaeus) it says, “the Son of Man is come to seek and to save the lost.” Children easily come to Christ while adults must be sought out.
Ecc. 12:1 says to “Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth.” The time to have a tender heart toward salvation is in our youth. Children trust, obey, and believe. They have not yet hardened into skeptics. While they are young, reach them through the bus and Sun- day school ministries.
We are often asked if children really understand what they are doing when saved at an early age. Notice some of today’s Christian leaders and when they accepted Christ:
- Pastor Paul Abbott – 13
- Pastor Lee Roberson – 14
- Pastor Clint Caviness – 6
- Karen Caviness – 9
- Pastor Tim Ruhl – 15
- Pastor Corey Seulean – 10
- Terry Ruhl – 18
- Pastor Bob Smith – 15
- Pastor Jack Hyles – 11
- Pastor Jack Trieber – 5
- Cindy Trieber – 6
- Pastor Mike Johnson – 9
- Pastor Mike Ray – 12
- Verna Ray – 9
- Pastor Paul Chappell – 10
- Terri Chappel – 13