Psalms 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Ephesians 4:3, “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Over the years, I have had the privilege of serving on staff when another new staff member was hired.  While serving as an evangelist and pastor, I have hired staff members.  How should we, as a staff member, view and treat a new staff member who has recently been hired?

  1. Realize that the Pastor is the only one who has the power to hire and fire a staff member.
  2. Realize as the church continues to grow, so will the hiring of new staff.
  3. Realize the Pastor will only hire someone that he believes God is leading him to hire to fulfill a need or needs in the ministry.
  4. Realize that before Pastor hires a staff person, he will research the person, their abilities, people skills, and personality to see if they would be a fit.
  5. Before a person is hired, each person is given a job description and is expected to operate within the stated guidelines.
  6. Remember a staff person is hired as an extension of the Pastor. This means they are to accomplish his agenda, not anyone else’s.  Everything they do represents the Pastor.
  7. Do not feel threatened. Keep a team spirit and work together in harmony. Everyone serving on staff is important. As we learn to work together, we will always accomplish more.
  8. Treat each new staff member with respect and give them grace, as they will have an adjusting time.
  9. As a staff member, recognize and praise the efforts of the new team member.
  10. Create an atmosphere that is welcoming to everyone who has been asked to serve. Do things to make them feel welcome and a part of the family. Text them, call them, and write them notes of appreciation.
  11. If a new staff person has a family, also work hard at making their family feel welcomed and loved.  Think of individual ways to make this happen, such as remembering their birthdays and anniversaries.
  12. Learn to accept their personality, realizing God made us all differently.
  13. If you are moved from your area of service to make room for a new team member, do not take offense. Realize this does not mean you are doing a bad job.  It just means Pastor needs your help in a different area.
  14. Do not become jealous if Pastor gives extra attention. Many times a Pastor will do this at first.


Dr. Mike Wells

Pastor Parkside Baptist Church Mesquite, Texas