Bringing people to church begins with inviting them. You could say, “This Sunday morning we are going to be having a great service at our church. There will be special music, and our pastor will bring a fantastic message from God’s Word. Can you come this Sunday and be my personal guest? I will come by and pick you up at 9:15 a.m.” If they are going to drive in, meet them at the church in a certain place and sit beside them in Sunday school.
Bringing people to church is a great encouragement to your pastor. This lets him know that you are growing and have a desire for others to grow. Everyone is welcome at church no matter who they are or where they come from. Our goal is to introduce everyone to the Saviour, exalt the name of Christ, and help everyone have the opportunity to obey the will of God for their lives. There will be people who will be glad to come to church if only invited.
(Psalms 122:1) “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

Dr. Mike Wells
Pastor of Parkside Baptist Church
President of Lone Star Baptist College
Founder of International World-Wide Evangelism
Author with Parkside Publications
Mesquite, Texas