“From that time Jesus began to preach,” Mathew 4:17a.
As a preacher, I’ve always been blessed and benefited from the countless clear commands in the Bible for me to simply “PREACH!” Certainly one of my favorites is the one before us from the first book of the New Testament, and the first gospel, the gospel of Matthew. The Lovely Lord Jesus Christ had a preaching ministry. With the wilderness temptation behind Him, He starts His public, itinerant ministry in Capernaum and it has as its centerpiece the word, “PREACH.”
One of many definitions of this word is TO ADVOCATE EARNESTLY. I’m deeply concerned that, even in our fundamental ranks, preaching has fallen on hard times. Far too many pulpits resemble a counselor’s couch or even a Life Coach’s lectern instead of a spiritual blacksmith’s anvil. The fundamental pulpit is to be God’s “Base Camp” for all that is done IN, WITH, and THROUGH the fundamental church.
With that truth firmly fixed in the preacher’s mind, there are 3 elements that should be found in his being God’s spiritual megaphone on earth:
2 Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”
An element that should be easily found in a preacher’s preaching is the HOLY SCRIPTURES. It’s not real Bible preaching if the only thing you use the Bible for is a leather covered paperweight for your sermon notes.
While writing this article, I’m preaching in the National “Power” conference in upstate New York. Last night I spoke on the subject, “THE LOST AX HEAD.” Having just looked at my outline, I counted that during the message, I quoted or referenced 54 Bible verses in this one sermon. Someone may ask, “Was it TOPICAL or EXPOSITORY?” I already answered that question, or for that matter, any other question; 54 Bible verses in one single message means…IT WAS BIBLICAL! By the way,…instead of being a self-proclaimed expert on preaching (I call them “The Sermon Police”)–with podcasts, publications, and pontificating that’s endless–let’s just get back to PREACHING THE BOOK!
Jude 22, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”</em
An element that should be easily found in a preacher’s preaching is brokenness. Don’t even head to a sacred desk, no matter how fancy and impressive the outline may appear to be, if you don’t have a genuine and heartfelt longing to help all those who will be under the sound of your voice. There’s not an audience on this planet that will reject hard preaching if they can sense the preacher’s main goal is to really help them.
Proverbs 28:1, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
An element that should be easily found in a preacher’s preaching is courage to always say what needs to be said, regardless of who says “AMEN!” or “OUCH!” The pulpit is no place for a kitty cat, but it is the place for a LION!
By just the nature of preaching, God’s MEN must rise to the task, and do it with a holy abandon, to please only One and His Throne is in Heaven (Hebrews 11:27). I believe Lester Roloff said it best once, “Preachers ought to preach PORCUPINE SERMONS so the people get the point!”
So if I could leave just a word with the men of God that are reading this article online today,…”PREACH, PREACHER, PREACH!”

Dr. John Hamblin
“Preaching the Old Fashioned Gospel the Old Fashioned Way!”