- I will only make a change with my pastor’s blessing and guidance.
- I will only make a change with wise counsel from godly counselors.
- I will only make a change with much prayer, fasting, and searching of God’s Word.
- I will only make a change that will equal or improve my opportunity to reach the lost and change lives.
- I will only make a change that will increase my potential for reaching my potential for Christ.
- I will only make a change that will aid in the strength of my marriage and family and will seek my spouse’s counsel and family’s input.
- I will only make a change where my standards and convictions will not be compromised and will encourage growth.
- I will only make a change when I am physically, mentally, and spiritually stable.
- I will not make a change when I cannot take adequate time to seek and determine God’s will.
- I will not make a change based solely on finances and will not allow a change that would cause me to compromise God’s financial principles.
- I will not make a change solely to run from a situation or circumstance that may not meet my preference if it is still doctrinally and directionally straight.
- I will not make a change based on what appeals to me, but rather what most pleases the Lord.
- I will not make a change without ethically and properly informing my leadership of that change in a timely manner.
- I will not make a change without properly organizing my affairs and duties for my potential successors.
- If I am forced to make a change promptly, I will leave quickly and quietly, but will not be hasty in choosing my next destination and place of ministry and will, to the best of my ability, make that decision prudently, patiently, prayerfully, properly, and according to these procedures and principles.

Dr. Jack Bachman
Vice President
Lone Star Baptist College
Mesquite, Texas